Product development and re-engineering processes are critical in today’s software creation environment. These ideas all entail various methods and techniques for enhancing current goods or developing brand-new ones. For this reason, it may be really important for businesses looking to boost their competitiveness in the market to comprehend the distinctions and fundamentals of product development and re-engineering.

Who is this article for?
Entrepreneurs, business executives, and decision-makers in technology-driven industries
Key takeaways
  • Distinctive comprehension of product development and re-engineering is crucial for competitiveness.
  • Strategic Application of Development and Re-engineering
  • Market Success Through Analysis and Adaptation

What Does A Product Development Process Involve?

What is product development?

First, consider the concept of product development in our product development and re-engineering comparison. This concept is a complex process of bringing a product to market, beginning with ideation and ending with the product’s introduction. Although this notion is generally intended for new products, it may also be used to expand an existing product into new markets or to update it entirely.

To be more precise, the process of bringing a product to market, from the initial stages of ideation until the product’s introduction, is called product development. This idea is mostly focused on a new product, but it may also be used to update an old product or introduce it to new markets.

How is the development process going?

The product development process is a series of organized and methodical steps aimed at transforming an initial idea into finished products ready to enter the market. This path can vary depending on the type of products, industry, and even the company itself. The details of the steps are explained below. This process is cyclical and may be repeated for product updates, line expansions, or launches in new markets.

Re-engineering is not just about fixing what’s broken; it’s about building something better

Michael Hammer

Stages of the product development cycle

The stages of the product development cycle can vary by industry, but they often fall into several broad stages:

  • Idea and validation;
  • Planning;
  • Development;
  • Testing;
  • Launch.

According to such an algorithm, product development generally takes place, and after that, the product life cycle begins.

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What Does A Product Re-engineering Process Involve?

And next in our product development and re-engineering comparison, we cover the term “Re-Engineering”. In general, this means re-engineering is starting over. So it is not about doing more with less, but about giving more to the customer with less. The goal is to do what we already do with products, but to do it better, to work smarter.

It is the redesign of processes of our products so that they are not fragmented. Then the company will be able to manage without bureaucracy and inefficiency. As we can see in this product development vs engineering comparison, re-engineering is the fundamental restructuring or, even, radical redesign of processes to achieve dramatic improvements of products in critical and ongoing performance measures such as cost, quality, service, and speed.

How does business process re-engineering happen?

One change endeavor that is effective in materials design and innovation is process re-engineering. Its four primary directions are the foundation of its methodology:

  • Reorientation: matching the expectations and wants of customers with the company’s ideals.
  • Redesign: Gathering and reorganizing fundamental procedures to facilitate enhancements through the application of cutting-edge technology.
  • Reorganization: Thoughts on the fundamental requirements of the group and the issues that individuals encounter within the existing framework.
  • Improvement: Considering and attempting to enhance each of the organization’s business processes.

Advantages of using process re-engineering

One of the numerous advantages of applying process re-engineering, if we speak in terms of product development and re-engineering comparison, is that it may save time and money by getting rid of any unproductive tasks. Defining distinct process roles, it also enhances the information flow and raises the caliber of labor, goods, and services, all of which have a positive influence on the process as a whole. When done right, business process re-engineering may greatly enhance any kind of company and sector, propelling expansion and dramatically boosting earnings.

Product Development and Re-engineering: When Should You Choose One?

Of course, in the process of working on products, there comes a time when you need to focus on product development vs engineering. First of all, it depends on your products, customer needs, and the market you plan to close. It is possible to distinguish several model criteria that can help you understand when it is worth using the concept of re-engineering.

  • The market has changed, and your products must keep up with the changes. Under such conditions, you need to modify your products using re-engineering to meet the changing needs of your audience and the market itself.
  • New products have started to appear on the market and your product is inferior to them. In this case, you lose competitiveness. In this case, you can use the concept of re-engineering to catch up with the competition.
  • Global market conditions have changed, and your product has become too expensive to manufacture and maintain. In such conditions, you can lose competitiveness much faster than in conditions of the appearance of new competitors.
  • It becomes more and more difficult for you to produce the same product. Many factors can affect this, but from the start, it is worth examining the roots of your internal business processes.

Product development, if compared directly to product development and re-engineering, is the process that is suitable mainly for creating a new product, and not for correcting errors and malfunctions in an already working one.

How Can You Ensure Your Products’ Market Success?

One of the most important criteria for evaluating the understanding of when you need to implement product development and re-engineering is the success of your products in the market. Several methods of analysis can help you with this.

First of all, you should do research on your target market, for example, its needs that you can fill, as well as needs that you could fill with your already existing products. In addition, it is important to be aware of the state of affairs of your competitors and compare your products with competing ones. And one of the main indicators in the analysis of competitors can be pricing. You should review this and see if your products are priced competitively. And already based on the acquired knowledge, you can revise your marketing strategies, which should correspond to all modern trends.

Next, you can do an internal analysis of your products, and pay more attention on quality. Market analysis can give you the same important quality criteria that your products should meet. The same can apply to product support and customer service.

Product development vs Engineering: What is the distinction?

Re-engineering and product development have different goals and objectives in terms of product performance. Product development means creating a new product from scratch. Re-engineering is the process of redesigning or rearranging an existing product to achieve a better result. Another significant difference is the level of investment required. Creating a product requires a significant investment in research and development. On the other hand, re-engineering requires less investment because it relies on an existing process or product.

When is it appropriate to use Product Development and Re-engineering?

And now if we consider product development and re-engineering together, it makes sense to determine the place of each of them in your product development strategy. The goal of product development and re-engineering is to meet business goals and customer and market needs. And therefore, it is best to use the strengths offered by each of these concepts.

For example, the concept of development involves innovation and flexibility to ensure the success of products in the market. In turn, the concept of re-engineering can be introduced into your business processes to improve or even rethink the already existing workflow and stages of product creation. Thanks to this, you can change a stage or parts of stage that are not efficient or not productive enough. That is, how product development and re-engineering help your business processes and maintain competitiveness. 

There are a few factors to take into account when determining when to put product development and re-engineering into practice. Factors include organizational objectives, strategy, and available treatments. Product development, for instance, can be the best option if you wish to increase the number of products you offer to users or launch a new product. Re-engineering, however, will help you if your main objective is to enhance your offering’s performance through product enhancement.


In this article, we have explained in detail the difference between product development and re-engineering. This should help you choose the right solution for your business. If your current situation requires the development of a new product, then you should go through the entire development cycle, but if your goal is to improve an existing product, then the re-engineering process is the perfect solution for you. Ficus Technologies can assist in navigating the complex process of bringing a new product to market, from ideation to introduction, ensuring a streamlined and efficient development cycle.

How does the timeline differ between Product Development and Re-Engineering?

The difference between the execution time of the product development and re-engineering process depends on the size of the product. As a rule, the product development process takes more time, but if the new product is not very bulky, its development may not take too long. In turn, if you are going to start the re-engineering process of a large project, it may take more time than the development of a small product.

How does risk management differ in Product Development and Re-Engineering?

It is important to note that both of these product development and re-engineering processes require effective management, testing and proper communication if you want to reduce risks to a minimum. However, there is no doubt that the risks can be radically different in each of these processes, including technological challenges, changing user behavior and competition.

Sergey Miroshnychenko
My company has assisted hundreds of businesses in scaling engineering teams and developing new software solutions from the ground up. Let’s connect.